API Reference

The Pix QR Code object


id string(36)
Unique identifier for the object.

code string(36)
Unique identifier for the object in your system.

amount integer(>0)
Amount in cents to be paid.

paidAmount integer(>0)
Amount in cents that was paid.

payload string(256)
The raw data string used to generate QR code, it should be used together with QR code library.

source BankAccount
This object represents a source bank account of the payment.

payer Payer
This object represents a payer of the payment.

split Split
This object represents a list of recipients who will receive part of the payment.

status enum
The status of the payment. Can be CREATED, PROCESSED, EXPIRED, PAID or FAILED.

StatusDescriptionFinal Status
CREATEDIndicates that the payment was received.No
PROCESSEDIndicates that the payment was processed by provider but needs confirmation.No
ERRORIndicates that an error has occurred.Yes
PAIDIndicates that the payment was confirmed.Yes
FAILEDIndicates that the payment was not processed.Yes

createdAt datetime
Time at which the object was created.

processedAt datetime
Time at which the object was processed.

paidAt datetime
Time at which the object was paid.

failedAt datetime
Time at which the object failed.

metadata Metadata
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.


  	"id": "6a0b14a9-023c-4198-9ada-6e4684213340",
  	"code": "804a46a7-7012-4159-8782-1090e85e4afa",
    "type": "STATIC",
    "amount": 4990,
    "paidAmount": null,
    "payload": "00020126580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX01368ad59cd0-cd85-45eb-a443-b8824285c5f352040000530398654041.295802BR5924RPO GESTAO DE PAGAMENTOS6008SO PAULO6108000000006224052046193bc0333a468fa1ee6304A3E1",
    "payer": {
      "name": "Bruce Wayne",
      "taxId": "37515868066"
    "split": [
        "value": 990,
        "recipientId": "009cb956-3b58-4731-927f-20225600b35b"
  	"status": "PROCESSED",
    "createdAt": "2022-06-06T11:48:21Z",
    "processedAt": "2022-06-06T11:48:26Z",
    "expiresAt": "2022-06-07T11:48:26Z",
    "paidAt": null,
    "failedAt": null,
    "metadata": [
        "name": "CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME", 
        "value": "CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE"