API Reference

Validate signature

How to Verify the Signature

Ensuring the authenticity of messages from Sqala involves generating a hash of the data field sent through the callback, utilizing the secret key generated during the URL creation process. This hash serves as a unique fingerprint, verifying the integrity of the received data and prevents attacks like man in the middle.

Generating the hash

First, create your endpoint and get the secret from our developer portal.


When generating the hash, include all JSON fields—even those with null values—since the entire data structure affects the calculation.

  "id": "5784b599-8a61-4da3-bbec-88e3ffb25326",
  "event": "transaction.created",
  "signature": "b08a306a3f809b64914de448ee8e42e503c9d136d8bda69d13f299bac8b9abf2",
  "object": {
    "id": "3590f3d6-8a8e-4674-9b6c-dfffa371e50c",
    "type": "Transaction"
  "data": { "id": "f815535b-734b-4ad9-93f6-a22fdb7cafcc" }

To validate the webhook signature, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the signature from the webhook payload (found in the "signature" field)
  2. Get the data object from the payload and convert it to a JSON string
  3. Use HMAC-SHA256 with your secret key to create a hash of the data string
  4. Compare your generated hash with the received signature - they should match exactly

Here are examples in some programming languages for verifying the signature:

Code examples

import crypto from 'node:crypto'

const secretSqala = 'edd6fc268e6813a03096cf16b504c99a989ebd37432a1a90f460c2b2336a6a6e'
const webhook = {
  id: '5784b599-8a61-4da3-bbec-88e3ffb25326',
  event: 'transaction.created',
  signature: 'b08a306a3f809b64914de448ee8e42e503c9d136d8bda69d13f299bac8b9abf2',
  object: {
    id: '3590f3d6-8a8e-4674-9b6c-dfffa371e50c',
    type: 'Transaction',
  data: {
    id: 'f815535b-734b-4ad9-93f6-a22fdb7cafcc',

const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secretSqala).update(JSON.stringify(webhook.data))
const hashMatch = hash.digest('hex') === webhook.signature

console.log(`Its match ? ${hashMatch ? '✅ Yes' : '❌ No'}`)
$secretSqala = 'edd6fc268e6813a03096cf16b504c99a989ebd37432a1a90f460c2b2336a6a6e';
$webhook = [
    'id' => '5784b599-8a61-4da3-bbec-88e3ffb25326',
    'event' => 'transaction.created',
    'signature' => 'b08a306a3f809b64914de448ee8e42e503c9d136d8bda69d13f299bac8b9abf2',
    'object' => [
        'id' => '3590f3d6-8a8e-4674-9b6c-dfffa371e50c',
        'type' => 'Transaction',
    'data' => [
        'id' => 'f815535b-734b-4ad9-93f6-a22fdb7cafcc',

$hash = hash_hmac('sha256', json_encode($webhook['data']), $secretSqala);
$hashMatch = hash_equals($hash, $webhook['signature']);

echo "Its match ? " . ($hashMatch ? "✅ Yes" : "❌ No");
require 'json'
require 'openssl'

secret_sqala = 'edd6fc268e6813a03096cf16b504c99a989ebd37432a1a90f460c2b2336a6a6e'
webhook = {
  id: '5784b599-8a61-4da3-bbec-88e3ffb25326',
  event: 'transaction.created',
  signature: 'b08a306a3f809b64914de448ee8e42e503c9d136d8bda69d13f299bac8b9abf2',
  object: {
    id: '3590f3d6-8a8e-4674-9b6c-dfffa371e50c',
    type: 'Transaction'
  data: {
    id: 'f815535b-734b-4ad9-93f6-a22fdb7cafcc'

hash = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('SHA256', secret_sqala, webhook[:data].to_json)
hash_match = hash == webhook[:signature]

puts "Its match ? #{hash_match ? '✅ Yes' : '❌ No'}"

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;

class Program
    static void Main()
        var secretSqala = "edd6fc268e6813a03096cf16b504c99a989ebd37432a1a90f460c2b2336a6a6e";
        var webhook = new
            id = "5784b599-8a61-4da3-bbec-88e3ffb25326",
            event_type = "transaction.created",
            signature = "b08a306a3f809b64914de448ee8e42e503c9d136d8bda69d13f299bac8b9abf2",
            @object = new
                id = "3590f3d6-8a8e-4674-9b6c-dfffa371e50c",
                type = "Transaction"
            data = new
                id = "f815535b-734b-4ad9-93f6-a22fdb7cafcc"

        var dataJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(webhook.data);
        var secretKeyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secretSqala);
        var dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dataJson);

        using var hmac = new HMACSHA256(secretKeyBytes);
        var hashBytes = hmac.ComputeHash(dataBytes);
        var hash = BitConverter.ToString(hashBytes).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

        var hashMatch = hash == webhook.signature;

        Console.WriteLine($"Its match ? {(hashMatch ? "✅ Yes" : "❌ No")}");